
Thank you, Emily. That’s lots of good solid thoughts in there. God is so good to give us such beautiful creative gifts like flowers and birds to enjoy. It makes me sad for those who don’t know the Creator like we do.

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I like gardening, walking, riding my bike... especially walking and riding my bike in a nice peaceful Spring rain. I really like the part of gardening involving planting seeds and waiting and watching for them to pop up out of the ground. Its very exciting! They're tiny little miracles, and its amazing to me how they start out so tiny and insignificant; but know exactly what to do to gather kilojoules and kilojoules of energy - first from within the seed itself, and then from the warm soil and moisture and then later the sun itself! Then the big payoff for taking care of them and weeding and watering is the beautiful flowers that burst out later!!! πŸ˜€ I don't see how anyone can witness one of millions and millions of miracles like that and *not* believe in God.

That being said, I know some people who have no belief in God - pure atheists. And then I know others who only believe He set the universe in motion, let it all fly on its own, and just watches from afar for entertainment value. These people have been hurt, neglected, raised by angry parents, they've had tragedies happen that tore their heart up so much they think, "How is it even possible for there to be a God? No God would allow this." Or, they think, "God set things in motion, but He doesn't care and just watches when he's bored. He doesn't intervene, He doesn't care, He is hateful and so I hate Him, too."

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by DeAnna Lynn Sanders, Author

And then there are other people who believe in all science and no God. They can explain everything with physics, chemistry, and biology; and they're so locked on to that and have no capacity for creatively thinking or believing in anything but mathematical and scientific logic. Their brains don't make any room for a God. They can't disprove Him, but also don't believe His existance can be proven. They refuse to believe in anything but what they can prove or disprove. And so, there is no room in their hearts or minds for faith.

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Agree on both counts! But pretty flowers makes everything seem better. 😊🌸

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I like the pretty flowers and the rain and that all things are made new. And people deny God because their hearts are hardened by pride. My two cents.

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